Join Us for
Life Together - Marriage Conference

October 20-21, 2023 | Friday - Saturday
Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you longing for a deeper connection with your spouse? Do you have a desire to build a relationship with your spouse that can withstand all of life’s trials?  Then this conference is for you.
Join us as we delve into the timeless wisdom of the Bible to strengthen and fortify your marital bond.

We invite you to reserve your spot for this enriching event!
Location: Clear Lake Baptist Church 314 N 6th St. Clear Lake IA, 50428
Registration Fee: $50 per couple.
This includes the conference, Friday night dinner, and Saturday luncheon.
Deadline: Register by Sunday, October 15
Don’t let the most important relationship you have fade away. Plan to join us  on this sacred journey of renewal, reflection, and spiritual growth at the Life Together biblical marriage conference.

What Awaits You

Biblical Insight

Our text book is from the author of Marriage, God himself.  We will dig deep into God’s teachings and principles within the Bible that serve as the cornerstone for a thriving, faith-centered marriage.

Scriptural Reflections

Engage in thought-provoking discussions and lessons on key scriptures, gaining practical insights into nurturing a loving and lasting union with your spouse.

Spiritual Connection

Discover practical strategies for deepening your emotional and spiritual connection with your spouse, fostering mutual understanding and trust based on the truths of Scripture.

Nourishing Fellowship

Share nourishing meals and conversations with fellow couples, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie at our included catered dinner on Friday night and our luncheon on Saturday.

Guest Speakers

Dr. Dean and Faith Taylor

Dean Taylor has a heart to encourage men and women to strengthen their marriages.  Dean has served in pastoral ministry for over 25 years where he had the opportunity to build biblical truth into many  marriages.  He is now Chair of the Pastoral Training Program at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny.  In addition to equipping students for ministry, Dean speaks around the country in churches, camps, and  conferences. His heartbeat for couples is that they can find real contentment and joy in their life long commitment to one another in marriage.
Faith Taylor serves as professor of women's ministries at Faith Baptist Bible College. Her years of experience as a pastor's wife, mother, counselor, and friend have opened her heart to minister to the needs of many. She loves to teach ladies by explaining the practical applications of God's Word and sharing with them His working in her own life. She and her husband, Dean, have four children and four grandchildren.


Session Summary

Foundations of Togetherness
Session 1
Focus on oneness (Gen. 2) Lay the foundation and build upon God's purpose and design
Cultivating Togetherness
Session 2
Growing togetherness in marriage in the various stages of life.
Practicing Forgiveness
Session 3
Study from Luke 17 - observing God's plan for how to handle sin in marriage.
Split Session
Leading the way in spiritual nurturing and growth - a man's role in the family.
Split Session
Embracing God's design for women in marriage. Session from Faith Taylor.
6:00 Session 1
7:00 Catered Dinner
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Session 2
11:00 Split Session
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Session 3
2:30 Dismiss