Our Mission

To glorify God by making and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Beliefs

Evangelism and Missions
By sharing  the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible in our community and throughout the world. (Matthew 28:18-20)
By  helping  followers of Jesus in developing spiritual understanding, and maturity through exegetical teaching of God’s Word (Acts 2:42)
By worshiping together as a church through exegetical verse by verse preaching, sound doctrinal teaching, and Christ centered singing. (John 4:23-24, Acts 2:41-42)
Ministry and Service
By putting the truths of scripture into action by serving others. We do this by meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those in the church, and our community, and the world. (John 4:35, Acts 2:27)
By  enjoying those things which we have in common with believers of like precious faith  and with other churches of like faith and practice. (2Corinthians 17-18, Acts 2:41-46)

Our full statement of faith is available here: 

Our History

In the 1950s, Clear Lake Regular Baptist Church began with just sixteen members. Through the last 60 years we have seen membership and building changes, but our mission remains the same; to make & equip disciples of Jesus in Clear Lake, Iowa.

Our Leadership

Jason Reynolds grew up in a pastor's home and learned ministry from faithful parents who taught him to serve Christ with every part of your life.  He met his wife Amy and fell hopelessly in love with her on the first day of Bible college.  They were married two years later on spring break in 2000.  God has blessed their family with three wonderful kids; Linden, Hadley and Levi. 

Jason and Amy love serving the Lord together.  For the first 10 years of marriage, they had the privilege of being a gospel witness through a career in real estate, in the Des Moines Area. This is where God gave them a passion to make disciples through seeing the lost come to Jesus.
God then redirected them to Iowa Regular Baptist Camp where they served the next ten years in the Christian camping ministry. Through camp ministry, God grew them in understanding the importance for equipping more disciple makers in the local church.

In 2021 God redirected their lives once again.  This time to Clear Lake Baptist Church.  

Pastor Jason and Amy love being part of Clear Lake, Iowa, and are humbled by the opportunity to be part of a growing ministry that is actively making and equipping disciples of Jesus in north Iowa and around the world.

If Pastor Jason is not in his office at the church, he is probably out fishing with friends, supporting local school activities, or hiking in the woods with his kids.